Pamela Slim is an author and Co-Founder of Main Street Learning Lab. She joins us on this episode to discuss why defining your audience is essential to building products or marketing to people. In our discussion she covers her untraditional approach to creating a target market and gives us her top tips for talking about ourselves professionally and staying continually employable.
Finding Talent and Making Work Better
Sally Thornton is the founder and CEO of Forshay, a firm that focuses on how people can do their best work through executive recruiting and improving the system of work. Sally joins us on this episode to discuss what kind of “criteria” you should actually be looking for when hiring, cognitive bias, the “Ideal Worker” norm, and the importance of “being basic.”
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The Language of Leaders
Bart Egnal is the President and CEO of The Humphrey Group and author of the book Lead Through Language. Bart joins us on this episode to discuss how leaders can be intentional and conscious with their language for more clear, effective communication. He guides us through the difference between transferring information and transforming people, the importance of getting clear on your own beliefs as a leader, the problem with using jargon, and how to choose words that convey your beliefs and ideas.
How Visual Communication Creates Connection
Lisa Rothstein is a cartoonist for the New Yorker Magazine and the Chief Creative Officer for Drawing Out Your Genius. She joins us on this episode to discuss the power of drawings and visualization in communicating ideas. We take a deep dive into how the human brain is wired to process visual information, her top tips for leaders communicating an organizational vision, and how to keep listeners engaged when communicating in the virtual space.
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Managing the Employee Engagement Crisis
Brennan McEachran is the CEO of co-founder of Soapbox, a suite of tools to help managers lead their teams. He joins us on this episode to discuss the role of managers in the ongoing employee engagement crisis, his one-of-a-kind management software, and how to make meetings an effective medium for communication and innovation.
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The Power of Influence as a Coach
Mario Price, Director of Coaching Education at the American Football Coaches Association, joins us on this episode to discuss his leadership journey. He reflects on what it takes to be an effective coach, how he continues to learn and innovate within his industry, and the importance of cultivating meaningful relationships on and off the football field.