Jason Feifer is the editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine, host of popular podcasts including Build for Tomorrow , author of the book by the same name, keynote speaker, startup advisor, and nonstop optimism machine. His goal is to help you become more resilient and adaptable in a world of constant change — so you can seize new opportunities before anyone else does! On this episode, we discuss Jason’s career and how he prioritized taking risks and trying new things to grow, how his work has led him to deeply understand the Four Phases of Change, and what he’s learned from top performers about moving through those phases more efficiently. Finally, he shared his best advice for learning from the people in your network and how you can use the questions that people ask you to better understand your own value.
Stay Curious, Lead with Heart
Nozomi Morgan leads a team of experts in developing global leaders. Her team helps organizations develop Co-created Culture which she believes is the foundation for individuals and organizations to fulfill their purpose in this world. Her diverse international background — having lived in Asia, Europe and North America — gives her a wealth of experience and knowledge as a strategic partner to leaders. She enjoys giving back to the community by serving on boards such as Japan-America Society of Georgia, National Association of Asian American Professionals. She is also passionate in empowering women to find their own voice and help them become leaders in their life, work and society. On this episode, we discussed Nozomi’s journey from a corporate background and “living someone else’s live” to the launching and running her thriving business dedicated to helping leaders from around the world succeed. She shares how she helps leaders become more curious (spoiler: it’s probably not what you think) and why it’s important to get out of your head from time to time and find intentional quiet. Finally, Nozomi gives some insight into how leaders can leverage technology as a tool to build connection rather than a hindrance.
The Leadership Value of Transparency
Brandi Nicole Johnson is “on a mission to help the world reimagine work so that work is integrated into our lives, instead of becoming our whole identity.” Prior to becoming a coach and a tech learning executive, she climbed the ultimate career ladder in the nonprofit sector, growing from intern to Executive Director all before the age of 30. As the first company hire in the Learning and Development Organization at DoorDash, Brandi built and leads a world-class, global, learning and development team in accelerating performance so that talent can do the very best work of their careers. On this episode of the podcast, we discuss the path that led Brandi from her origins in the nonprofit world to tech leadership, how she has handled pivot points in her work, and what the rapid growth of DoorDash in recent years has taught her. Finally, she shares how she handles burnout, why she has become a radically transparent leader, and what she’s curious about as a leader looking to the future.
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Finding the Success Factor
Dr. Ruth Gotian is the Chief Learning Officer, Assistant Professor of Education in Anesthesiology, and former Assistant Dean of Mentoring and Executive Director of the Mentoring Academy at Weill Cornell Medicine. A leadership development and mentorship expert, she researches the most successful people of our generation, including Nobel laureates, astronauts, CEOs, and Olympic champions, to learn about their habits and practices to optimize our own success. On this episode, we discussed the process of curiosity and exploration that led Ruth to study such a broad array of successful individuals, the lessons she learned early on about exploring the mundane as deeply as the impressive, and how her studies have influenced her own style of work. Finally, Ruth explains a few key factors that all the successful people she interviews have in common and shares the advice that has the most potential to improve everyone’s ability to achieve their goals.
The Simple Truths of Leadership
Dr. Ken Blanchard is the co-founder and Chief Spiritual Officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies and co-author of the iconic 1982 classic, The One Minute Manager. In the past three decades, Ken has authored or coauthored 60 books whose combined sales total more than 23 million copies. His groundbreaking works have been translated into more than 42 languages. In 2005 Ken was inducted into Amazon’s Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 bestselling authors of all time. Randy Conley is the Vice President of Client Services and Trust Practice Leader at The Ken Blanchard Companies and co-author of the new book, Simple Truths of Leadership . On this episode, we discussed how Ken and Randy developed the lessons of their new book, how they see leadership show up in their own lives, and what they hope rising leaders might learn from their work. Ken shares some key lessons from his many years as a leading thinker and teacher on leadership. Additionally, Ken and Randy give insight into how they approach the book writing process and share their advice for organizations that want to better serve their people.
Focus On Values Over Goals
Jennifer Brenneman is a Senior Director of Leadership Development at MongoDB. Prior to her work at MongoDB, Jennifer worked in Leadership Development and Instructional Leadership at Teach For All. Thus far, her career has focused on supporting adults to achieve their potential through facilitated experiences, coaching, and leadership development programs. On this episode, we discussed the difference between a career built on a foundation of values rather than goals, why Jennifer isn’t interested in “building a career,” and why knowing yourself is arguably one of the most important skills to develop. Finally, Jennifer shares a bit about how becoming a parent changed her work and some of the misconceptions folks often carry about work-life balance.